Author Topic: Another Investigation at the Vallisca Murder House  (Read 200 times)

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Offline Colleen2510

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Another Investigation at the Vallisca Murder House
« on: Aug 11 2008 - 11:25AM »
The more that I see on this house and the murders that took place there the more I am affected by it. The EVPs from this house are absolutely magnificent A class EVPs. And the fact that it involves so many children is just hearbreaking. If there is ever any way that we could manage it....well...I just think that it would be grand to be able to spend the night in this house and collect evidence. I can't understand why no one has been able to help the children cross over.  I didn't know anything about it at the time but I remember seeing a tv show about it were the 2 psychics and the paranormal investigator go around trying to solve old murders that were never solved. One of the psychics said that she had connected with Lena but then when the lights in the room went out it freaked her out. Now I'm not a psychic so I don't pretend to understand what they feel or what they go thru. But my question that I can't help but ask myself is ....why...would it freak you out to have a some lights go on or off inside a house that you are investigating for paranormal activity. Especially if you claim to have already made a connection with a spirit within the house. I thought perhaps they were trying to bolster the drama effect for the show but in my opinion they would have a lot more credibility if they just acted normal. Cause she made some kind of statement to the effect of "I'm really freaked out right now!" Idk ...anyone else have an opinion?

Oh yeah...back to my point though....Would anyone else think it would be great to spend the night there? It's booked up for at least 6 months ahead! At least we would have a lot of time to prepare!
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Offline Marion76

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Re: Another Investigation at the Vallisca Murder House
« Reply #1 on: Sep 11 2008 - 04:16PM »
If she were legit, you'd think she wouldn't have reacted that way. It just makes me wonder. When we went, our psychics contacted Ina and the murderer. Ina is terrified of the murderer and doesn't feel safe in that house with him. At least, that's what our psychics said.

You'd think, our of all the people that have investigated that house, someone would have the knowledge or resource to help those poor children. We definitely experienced a residual haunting of either Lena or Ina. I do believe we encountered her hiding in the downstairs sewing room closet.

Read my story in the other Villisca posting. I put our story there. I also posted how I'd like to get another group together to go out there again. It's an incredible experience that I'll always carry with me. The crazy thing? Everytime I hear a train whistle, it takes me right back to that house.
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Offline Colleen2510

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Re: Another Investigation at the Vallisca Murder House
« Reply #2 on: Sep 13 2008 - 02:11PM »
I have thought the same thing about why out of all the psychics they can't help the children move on. I know Lisa Williams would !!   Well the psychic that I was reffering to in my post. The one that jumped when the lights went out.....really surprised me. They were filming that show umm oh darn I forget the name of it but it has the 2 psychics and the paranormal investigater and they go around trying to solve crimes that haven't been solved and are anywere from a year old to 100 or so years old. Anyway she has proven herself on many occasions and works with police a lot. And you know it takes a great rep to get the police to take you seriously.  I just could not understand why she said that she was freaked out. She had claimed to be talking with Lena. But then as I said before I don't know what else may have been going on. It's just that the only thing she referred to were the lights. And of course they don't have time to show everything on an hour long show. But many ppl have spent the entire night in that house so I just couldn't get my head around her saying I need to go cause I'm getting a lot freaked out here and the only thing they showed to happen were the lights went out and she didn't say " I'm freaked because the lights went out after blah blah blah. She only mentioned the lights going out. So I just don't know. I didn't even know about the house at the time. That was the first place that I had ever heard of it so I wish that I could go back and watch that episode again now that I know more about what went on there. 

I did respond to your other post also Marion so be sure and read it!  :Y:
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