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Bearded Man in Black

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I went to Bachelor's Grove for the first time on 9/29.  I'm finally getting a chance to go through my digital photos.  I still have film to develop as well.  I'm finding some super weird stuff in my photos, but this photo has to be by far the best.  I don't remember anybody walking through my shot, and if I remember the layout of the land correctly I don't it's physically possible for a real person's head to be at that height at that distance.  Check it out and let me know what you think about the bearded man in black!

I'd be glad to send the original photo if anyone wants a closer look

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.  I see what your talking about however it's not clear enough looking at a small picture, could you upload or email the picture so I could see the full size.


I tried uploading it on here, but I keep getting a server error.  I also tried emailing it to you but it bounced back with a message saying the mailbox is unavailable.  Is there another email I can send it to?

I'd also like to see the photo as well.  If you'll send me a message, i'll send you my email and i can play with it at work.  (I know i'm suppose to be working, but what are govt jobs for if not to chase ghosts all day?)

Steve Abrams:
These tired old eyebalss don't see a thing.


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