Author Topic: Ghostly Face  (Read 2171 times)

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Ghostly Face
« on: May 21 2008 - 08:02PM »
Now here is a freaky one, and this is my house too.....  ter  I happen to look at my back yard camera, and this face was out there clears as can be.  It's a different color then the sun coming through the tree's too, I looked out the back windows and nothing was there, not even a sunny spot.............looked back at the cam and it was still there.  This just freaked the crap out off me, then I remembered that the cam wasn't recording because I had laundry on the line and it was flying around in the wind, so I had turned the record off for that cam.  I turned on the record and it was still there, I have about 5 minutes of it just floating there.

The first pic I adjusted the contrast a little, the other two are untouched captures.

Here is the short video, this is either on the ground or right above it. The clothes on the line keep blowing on top of it, so it's below the clothes line.  What was truly odd is that when I looked right out the window at it, there was nothing there at all.......just shade?


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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #1 on: May 21 2008 - 11:39PM »
That is really weird!  Especially since the laundry keeps blowing over it and covering it and then it reappearing cho  I'm stumped on this one.  (go figure right?  It's a shock that I am on the fence LOL )
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #2 on: May 21 2008 - 11:51PM »
WOW, I see the face very clear, that is freaky.  It's a totally different color then the sun spots too, plus the laundry keeps blocking it out.....but if you look none of the other things are effected by the laundry blowing.  Very very strange!  Great find there Ghost1   :Y:

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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #3 on: May 29 2008 - 11:38PM »
That is strange, it really does look like a face.  It's not even the same shade as the sunlight, very strange.

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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #4 on: May 30 2008 - 11:36PM »
That's pretty good, it's a very clear image.  You can make out the eyes, noise, mouth and even the forehead.  The question of the day is "Why was it floating in your back yard" ?  Good find!  =D>

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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #5 on: May 30 2008 - 11:39PM »
"Why was it floating in your back yard" ?  Good find!  =D>

I think I might know, but I can't reveal the reason quite yet.  I know that sounds  mysterious, but I have my reasons.
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #6 on: Jun 08 2008 - 04:48PM »
Holy sheezzzzz....  Unreal for sure!   Ghost1 you need to check out what that person looked like that we talked about, it could possibly be......................???????

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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #7 on: Jun 15 2008 - 07:49PM »
[bgcolor=#f5ff00]Oh my! GASP! That is amazing John! I can hardly believe what I am looking at[/bgcolor][bgcolor=#fff5ff][/bgcolor].[bgcolor=#fff5ff][/bgcolor]

[bgcolor=#27ff00]Truly Amazing!![/bgcolor]
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #8 on: Aug 05 2008 - 12:02AM »
I can give you a little more info about this now, as to why I think it appeared.  There was a man murdered in the street in front of my house 2 days before I saw this, my surveillance cameras caught the crime.  I have been working with the police, gave them my videos and they where doing  stake outs  in my drive way for a few weeks.  This was all hush, I couldn't say anything before.  So that is why I just freaked out when I saw his face in my backyard!   ter

The whole story putts a whole new twist on this picture, doesn't it?

Also, this kind of thing never happens out here at all, I'm in a small rural town and there is only 5 homes on my whole street.  These was just some random crime.

BTW, they still have not caught the murder.............
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #9 on: Aug 05 2008 - 09:50AM »
Well Oh My Gosh! You sure did keep the secret. I can't believe I didn't know a thing! LOL That does put a new spin on this face video!!!! Does it look like the guy? I'll bet the police were sure glad that you had those cameras! Did the guy that was murdered live in your neiborhood? Did you recognize him or the killer either one? So they haven't caught him yet? Did you have a clear shot of what he looks like? Did you see the dead guy? Was he dead right away? Were you home at the time?   EEKS too many questions? lol

What a great story to go with the video of the face!!!!!
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #10 on: Aug 05 2008 - 10:37AM »
Well Oh My Gosh! You sure did keep the secret. I can't believe I didn't know a thing! LOL That does put a new spin on this face video!!!! Does it look like the guy? I'll bet the police were sure glad that you had those cameras! Did the guy that was murdered live in your neighborhood? Did you recognize him or the killer either one? So they haven't caught him yet? Did you have a clear shot of what he looks like? Did you see the dead guy? Was he dead right away? Were you home at the time?   EEKS too many questions? lol

What a great story to go with the video of the face!!!!!

Boy what a lot of questions.......Also I met the victims younger brother that day I had seen this face.  I had showed him where his brother was murdered and told him the time, because the police won't tell his family a thing.  I also helped him put a cross in the ground at the scene.  So I'm thinking maybe the spirit followed me back to my house???
Does it look like the guy?

I just saw a sketch, but yes it kind of does.

Did the guy that was murdered live in your neighborhood?

Yes three block away, he was walking home at 2:00am from the bar

Did you recognize him or the killer either one?

No, and no.........It was pitch black with no moon or stars...foggy and it was misting.  My camera had a real hard time seeing much.  But the did get the time of the murder and the getaway car as it sped away.

Did you have a clear shot of what he looks like?


Did you see the dead guy?

No, I walked down the street about 6:30am to go to the Shell for a cup of coffee.  That is when I saw the Crime Scene tape all over and cops everywhere.  He was gone but there was still blood everywhere at this time, I saw it close up because I got to go into the crime scene once I told the Head Detective about my cameras.

Was he dead right away?

Yes, and no.... He had been beating in the head and side with a pipe, to a unrecognisable mass.  But he was still breathing, but he was for the most part dead right then.  He officially died then next morning in the hospital.

Were you home at the time?


This is the murders truck!  These are terrible pictures, but he was going very fast so there is motion blur, plus it was pitch black and misting and very foggy.
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Re: Ghostly Face
« Reply #11 on: Aug 05 2008 - 03:32PM »
That's horrible... :^(  I can't imagine what kind of evil in a human that it takes to beat someone to death up close and personal. I'll bet that guy didn't count on anyone having cameras pointed at him. But the world needs to get used to it. There is no place that you are safe from the watchful eye of a camera. They are everywere these days! I wonder if the killer had seen him in the bar or just saw him walkin down the road. I know the detectives prolly talked to everyone in the bar that nite.  Especially since that is not a crime ridden area.

Once I was at a house in a REAL BAD neighborhood here. That's when I had an agency of my own and was working with the Director of The Tactical Team (like S.W.A.T)..... he was also the Cheif of The Drug Inforcement Unit AND he was the top Atty in the Lawfirm that we worked for. I was nervous about being in this neighborhood cause I new that my husband would have a fit because I gave this girl a ride home from the strip club downtown and I went into her house. There were a lot of Thugs there and I was already thinking that none of the ppl that I worked with would believe that I just decided to go into this house for no reason cause you just don't do that in this neighborhood. Well about that time a guy was killed (shot) on the front porch of this house. His cousin actually shot him in the head. Within minutes there were police everywere....including my friends! There was actually crime scene tape around my truck parked on the street in front of the house.  I was freakin cause I figured they would be knocking on the door any minute to interview us in the house.  The ppl who lived there were not worried about that at all. Some of them were drinking and smoking stuff.....I'm not sure what it was.....but they didn't stop. They told me not to worry about it just sit tight till the cops leave cause they aint comin in this house. Boy was I scared then cause I didn't really know what he meant but i knew they were going to want to come in. I mean it happened on the porch!!!  No cop ever knocked on the door or tried to ask any questions to anyone in the house. After they left about an hour and a half or 2 hours later I took the tape off my truck and left but I still thought they would run my tags and I would hear about it from my friend on the force.   Nothing. Ever. Not one word was ever said about it ..... not even in the paper.  Go figure. 

Well this video is the ONLY video that I have ever seen taken by someone that I personally know. I don't think that I have forgotten anything. But to my recolection I have never known anyone else personally to have a video of a spirit.  Excellent evidence Ghost1 ..... as well as an intriguing but sad story.
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