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Algonquin Cemetery Photos!

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We'll have to figure a good time and go together would be fun!  :^:

Absolutely! =D>

Thank you for looking at the photo's!!!! We're going to a few places in the next month, including bachelors grove cemetery (again.) I'm trying to get my group to go to Jane Aadams Hull House too. We should all go to Algonquin Cemetery!

A bunch of us are actually going to BG on Sunday.   =D>

I went to the Hull house last year creepy little place. Didn't experience anything there.

This Sunday I won't be able to meet up with all of you, however I'll be sure to let all of you know when I'm going again. As for Hull House, when did you go there? Where is it located? I mean, I can get the address, but what area in Chicago (surrounding streets or intersections) is it near? I just love the history of the place, and have read an entire book (part of Jane's Autobiography) on the place. The history alone makes it unique -- not to mention spiritually of course. How many times have you gone, and not experienced anything?


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